My favorite item that I own is my iPod Touch. I love all the applications, they are so much fun and I could spend hours playing around with them. I love the app of Pandora Radio. On Pandora, you can type in a song you like and Pandora will play songs that have things in common with that song.
Another one that I like is Doodle Buddy. On Doodle Buddy, you can doodle on one of your pictures or on a background and save it to your photo library. It is so cool. One thing I love about my iPod is that I can go on the internet with it. I can go on You Tube and use a calculator. I can also check my E-mail wirelessly. I can buy songs, movies, and TV shows on iTunes from my iPod. I can check stocks, the weather, and even get instructions for a six-pack.
I got my iPod Touch when it first came out and it was $300. It did not come with a speaker so I need to use headphones, that is the only thing I don’t like about it. After I got my iPod, I had to wait a week to get Wi-Fi because my dad was out of town and no one else knew where the password was. When the update to get the App Store came out, I wanted it, I begged my mom to buy for me because I was broke. After about 2 days of begging, she caved and let me buy it. When the update was installing, I was being stupid and unplugged my iPod from the computer, yeah, some genius I am. That’s how I lost all my songs, videos, and so much more.
One of the best, not really noticeable things about the iPod Touch is that it doesn’t scratch easily at all. It has an invisible protective layer of something; I’m not sure what, around it. I’ve had mine for about 2 years and I still don’t really have any scratches on it and I’ve dropped it about ten times.
Getting this time consuming money maker was probably the best decision of my life. This iPod made me want the iPhone more than anything but my whole family has Verizon so I have to have Verizon so I can talk to them for free. If anyone is unsure about the iPod Touch, I 110% recommend it.
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